Does your little girl love dressing up and does she believe in fairies? If so, my Autumn Fairy Photo Shoot will be a perfect experience.
Not only are my photo shoots fun and magical, the photographs make great Christmas presents for family and friends.
Fairy Photo Sessions are now open for 2019 and they are so popular I only have four slots left.
They will be taken at the beautiful Tove Wetland Park in Towcester, a quiet setting with lots of Colour.
If your little lady fancies herself as a pretty little fairy, this is the perfect photo shoot for them.
NEW FOR 2019 – They will now be able to dress in a stunning handmade princess outfit with props to match, ranging from apple green to autumn red.
Each Fairy Photo Shoot is 30 minutes long. Enough to get some beautiful images for you to cherish forever, but not too long that they get bored.
There will be a mixture of photographs with fairy wings and without, but if you would rather just have the beautiful dresses please just say in advance.
Each session costs £150 and includes a beautiful password protected, creatively edited online gallery to select your 5 images. Here there will also be a chance to purchase extra products and images at a reasonable price.
My Autumn Fairy Photo Shoot will be held on Sunday 13th October, at the Tove Wetland Park. If you would like to book, please choose a remaining slot from 10am 10.45 12.15 1pm and contact me to make sure it is still available.
Once arranged you can then use the link here to pay to secure your magical Fairy Photo Shoot experience.