Do you know where the best and most magical bluebell woods are in Northampton?

For the first time yesterday, I felt spring in the air. I was outside gardening in a T-shirt… only for 15 minutes granted, but it was enough time for me to dream of what is to come.

At this time of the year, I start booking my bluebell photo shoots. I already have some sessions filled, but with them being limited to two weeks, booking early is a must.

I’ve been doing bluebell photo shoots for nine years now and tend to use the same two woods. And it’s got me wondering, which are the best bluebell woods in Northampton?

So, I thought I would have a look and see what else is available in our county.

Everdon Stubbs

Probably the most known bluebell woods in Northampton. An ancient forest with carpets of blue in mid-April, it is one of my favourites. However, it does tend to get busy and with that unfortunately comes a lack of respect from its visitors.

Badby Woods

Just over the hill from Everdon and forested over 700 hundred years, this is also a popular location for bluebells. Know as one of the best bluebell woods in the area this too can get busy with seasonal visitors.

Bucknell Woods

This is a lovely wood on the edge of Silverstone village. Like most bluebell woods in Northampton there’s limited parking and the walk to the carpets of blue are longer than others. They are tucked away at the back end of the wood and can be more difficult to find.

Grange Park Wood

Closer to the town, Grange Park Wood is a smaller woodland probably better for little legs.

Coton Manor Gardens

Famous for their bluebells, Coton Manor is a private home and gardens that you have to pay to enter. That said, with plenty of parking, a café and toilet facilities it’s a great shout to make a day out for the kids.

If you are looking at taking advantage of these beautiful flowers, please bear in mind this important information.

Bluebells are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. It is against the law to intentionally pick, uproot or destroy bluebells.

If you would like to enjoy their beauty, show them respect by sticking to the paths. It takes an ancient bluebell wood hundreds of years to produce the blue carpets that we all love so much, so do not trample on them.

Likewise, if you have a dog that likes to run around, keep him on a lead. I’ve seen masses of bluebells flattened by dogs.

Bluebells can take years to recover after footfall damage. If a bluebell’s leaves are crushed, they die back from lack of food because they can no longer photosynthesise.

If you would like a magical photo shoot in a bluebell woods in Northampton, you can find out more here.

A professional photographer like myself, can make it look like you are submerged in a carpet of bluebells, even if you are stood on a path.

With the right angle and lens we can get you the desired effect you want.

Below are some examples of my work. Contact me here for more details.

Until next time…

Outdoor Family Photography in Northampton
Bluebell photo shoot